La meilleure littérature sur le sujet est sans conteste anglo-saxonne. Le premier livre de cette liste est fortement recommandé pour ce cours, car la première moitié du volume recouvre la plupart des sujets abordés.
- Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python - With Application to Computational Modeling and Understanding Data - Third Edition - John V. Guttag.
- Algorithms - Fourth Edition - Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
- Introduction to Algorithms - Third Edition - Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein.
- Programming Pearls - Second Edition - Jon Bentley.
- The Art of Computer Programming - Volume 1 - Fundamental Algorithms - Third Edition - Donald E. Knuth.
- The Art of Computer Programming - Volume 2 - Seminumerical Algorithms - Third Edition - Donald E. Knuth.
- The Art of Computer Programming - Volume 3 - Sorting and Searching - Third Edition - Donald E. Knuth.
- The Art of Computer Programming - Volume 4A - Combinatorial Algorithms Part I - Donald E. Knuth.
De nombreux MOOCs sur le sujet sont proposés par le MIT. Le premier de cette liste est particulièrement proche de ce cours.
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python.
- Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science.
- Introduction to Algorithms (6.006).
- Introduction to Algorithms (6.046).
MOOC du collège de France sur l’algorithmique quantique :
Sites et blogs
Là encore, la littérature anglo-saxonne est plus abondante.
- Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python - With Application to Computational Modeling and Understanding Data - Third Edition - John V. Guttag.
- Think Python - Allen B. Downey.
- Effective Python - 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python - Second Edition - Brett Slatkin..
- Panda Cookbook.